Multidisciplinary Artist & Creator


that encourages me to go further

A beautiful source of energy

An opportunity to connect

Anywhere & Everywhere

Here the colors speak a universal language

Inviting us to explore and widen our horizons."


Dalia is multidiciplinary artist that does everything from graphic design, ceramics, writing, to painting. Her previous work primarily consists of oil paintings and watercolors, exploring themes of personal growth, the creative process, and feminine energy. She draws inspiration from her rich cultural heritage and the influence of strong women who have played a significant role in shaping her artistic journey. With each piece, she delves into the complexities of the inner self and the transformative power of creativity.

Recently, Dalia has expanded her artistic practice into the digital realm, showcasing her versatility and storytelling skills across different mediums. Her latest work is a four-minute animated video created for many of Sweden's most prominent artists, accompanying Marit Bergman's 2024 song "Vi bär alla barnen." In the same year, she also painted for Opera källaren in Stockholm, and designed the Pali pin for ceasefire, worn by the Grammy nominees and winners at the Swedish grammy's.




Song: Marit Bergman & S.I.S.W.P

Director & Artist: Dalia Yassin

Producer: Giulio Musi 

Editing: Eduardo Irribarra

PA: Mathi de Jallad